Database Manual

Oak Ridges Moraine Groundwater Program

Section 2.1.2

Section 2.1.2 Look-Up/Reference Tables (R_*)

Prefixed with an ‘R_’, these tables are populated with data that is used to code information within the ‘D_’ data tables (listed above). Only those used by the ORMGP are included.


The table is required by SiteFX and links to the D_LOCATION_ACTIVITY table. It is presently not effectively used within the database.


This table lists the various attributes that can be associated with a particular LOC_ID through the D_LOCATION_ATTR table. Examples include: surface water drainage areas; surface water stream segment identifiers; etc…


This table lists various drilling methods. This is related through BH_DRILL_METHOD_CODE in the D_BOREHOLE table.


Identifies the driller (or drilling company) of a particular borehole. This is related through BH_DRILLER_CODE in the D_BOREHOLE table. The codes are directly from the MOE database and, as much as possible, the BH_DRILLER_DESCRIPTION_LONG has been populated so that the MOE codes are related to a particular drilling company. The BH_DRILLER_QA_CODE is largely unpopulated but does provide an opportunity to screen well locations based on the quality of the well driller (There should be an explanation for this ???).


This table was adapted from the original MOE database codes and is related through BH_STATUS_CODE in the D_BOREHOLE table. The codes are a mix of well use and status and are generally not used directly within the database. As appropriate, the code has been translated to either the LOC_STATUS code in the D_LOCATION table or to the PURPOSE_PRIMARY_CODE and/or PURPOSE_SECONDARY_CODE in the D_LOCATION_PURPOSE table.


Each record here indicates a specific check that can be performed against a location or interval. This is related to a combination of a table and/or particular field within that table. The type of check made (e.g. any of depth or elevation, missing values, etc ?) is determined by its CHECK_TYPE_CODE (as found in R_CHECK_TYPE_CODE).


The final result of the check is indicated here. This can include whether the check validated the current information or that the information needed to be modified. The inability to locate source data can also be indicated (allowing for a later check of affected locations in the instance, for example of missing MOE PDF’s).


The specific type of check made is indicated here. This can be one of elevations, depths, missing values, units, etc ? This table is reference through R_CHECK_CODE.


Related through CON_SUBTYPE_CODE to the D_BOREHOLE_CONSTRUCTION table, this table contains descriptions for borehole casings, seals and sandpacks.


Related through CON_TYPE_CODE to the R_CON_SUBTYPE_CODE table (as the construction types - i.e. the CON_TYPE’s - are generally repeated within the construction subtype - i.e. the CON_SUBTYPE’s - descriptions, they are not directly related to any data table).


Allows tagging of individual locations and/or intervals as confidential to a particular partner (but could be expanded beyond partner agencies if needed). Currently the partner agencies have not made use of the confidentiality coding within the database. If a specific location is flagged with a confidentiality code then no information will be distributed regarding the location. Where a particular interval is flagged, information at the location/borehole level will be made available (e.g. name, geology, etc.), but no information related to the interval (e.g. screen details, chemistry or water level data, etc…) would be distributed. Such information would not be made available through the consultant V_CON_* views.

This is related through CONFIDENTIALITY_CODE in the D_LOCATION and D_INTERVAL tables.


These codes are used internally within SiteFX to specify conversion details (for example, with regard to calculation of elevations from depths). This is related through CONV_CLASS_CODE in D_INTERVAL and R_UNIT_CONV.


Originally established to provide a means of comparing, within SiteFX, chemistry data held in the database to a specified, published criteria (e.g. compare this sample to the Ontario Drinking Water Standards). The table is not currently used in the database (and is only partially populated) but is required by SiteFX.


Originally established to provide a means of comparing, within SiteFX, chemistry data held in the database to a specified, published criteria (e.g. compare this sample to the Ontario Drinking Water Standards). The table is not currently used in the database (and is only partially populated) but is required by SiteFX.


Author agencies (as found in DOC_AUTHOR_AGENCY_DESCRIPTION) are the employer or associated agency of the author (as specified through DOC_AUTHOR in D_DOCUMENT). Related through DOC_AUTHOR_AGENCY_CODE in D_DOCUMENT (note that to account for multiple authors for a document, and therefore multiple author agencies, the D_DOCUMENT table has two available fields containing author agency code details and a third allowing a free-form text description). In some instances an author may not be associated with any particular agency and this field, in D_DOCUMENT, would remain blank.


Client agencies (as found in DOC_CLIENT_AGENCY_DESCRIPTION) reflect the agency for which particular document in the library has been prepared (e.g. a water supply study undertaken for the community of ‘Ballantrae’ would have ‘York Region’ as the client agency). Related through DOC_CLIENT_AGENCY_CODE in D_DOCUMENT (note that the D_DOCUMENT table has a single available field for client agency code details and a second field allowing a free-form text description for those cases where a document has been prepared for more than one client agency).


The table is used to reflect whether a hard copy of a particular document is available at the ORMGP office. The DOC_FORMAT_DESCRIPTION is generally limited to one (or both) of ‘Electronic’ or ‘Hard Copy’. Note that all reports listed in D_DOCUMENT should be available as digital files in the ORMGP report library (refer to Section 2.6). As most documents are made available in digital form only, the ‘Hard Copy’ availability will eventually become invalid.


Source journal names for papers present in the report library. This is related through DOC_JOURNAL_CODE in D_DOCUMENT.


This table is used mostly to flag:

These codes (as described in DOC_LOCATION) allow further details regarding the location and/or spatial extent covered by the document and should be used as supporting information when performing a report library search based upon location. Note that the use of this table (and associated field) is optional when valid coordinates are available. This is related through DOC_LOCATION_CODE in D_DOCUMENT.


Topics attributed to a particular report. This is related through DOC_TOPIC_CODE in D_DOCUMENT (note that D_DOCUMENT has three available fields to capture topic details).


The original type of the document or report (e.g. Consultant Report, USGS Report, Journal Paper, etc…). This is related through DOC_TYPE_CODE in D_DOCUMENT.


This table was established to track equipment that might be used at any location and is required by SiteFX. The table is not currently used and the table will be re-evaluated in the next version of the database.


This table was established to track equipment that might be used at any location and is required by SiteFX. The table is not currently used and the table will be re-evaluated in the next version of the database.


The information contained here were adapted from the original MOE database codes describing the type of ‘Water Found’ (e.g. fresh, mineralized, iron, etc.). This is related through FEATURE_CODE in D_GEOLOGY_FEATURE.


Details regarding geologic and hydrogeologic models that are used (or have been archived) by the ORMGP) are recorded here. These are referenced internally in the database in the formation assignment tables (i.e. D_INTERVAL_FORM_ASSIGN and D_INTERVAL_FORM_ASSIGN_FINAL) as well as the geologic unit code table (R_GEOL_UNIT_CODE). Additional information is stored that is related to the ORMGP archival methodology that is external to the database.

Refer to R_GEOL_UNIT_CODE, D_INTERVAL_FORM_ASSIGN and D_INTERVAL_FORM_ASSIGN_FINAL for details regarding the application of the model code(s) in these tables.


This table specifies the type of classification code available to the geologic subclasses - the latter allow different geological interpretations to be stored for the same geologic layer. Only two options are available - either a ‘lithologic’ layer or a geologic ‘pick’. This is related through GEOL_CLASS_CODE in R_GEOL_SUBCLASS_CODE.


The table is used to track the standard geotechnical consistency codes for each sample/layer encountered in a borehole (e.g. compact, firm, dense, soft, stiff, etc?). Data is generally only provided for the geotechnical boreholes in the database (either City of Toronto, UGAIS, or other consultant boreholes; refer to Appendix D). This is related through GEOL_CONSISTENCY_CODE in D_GEOLOGY_LAYER.


These codes are adapted from the original MOE database codes, assigning a colour to a geologic layer. This is related through GEOL_MAT_COLOUR_CODE in D_GEOLOGY_LAYER.


The codes used by the GSC as interpreted from the original MOE material codes. This is related through GEOL_MAT_GSC_CODE in D_GEOLOGY_LAYER (note that the latter has been only incompletely populated).

R_GEOL_MAT1_CODE (Includes MAT2, MAT3 and MAT4 descriptions)

These are the available descriptions (found in GEOL_MAT1_DESCRIPTION) for geologic layers. Note that there are four tables of these descriptions

All four tables are consistent (i.e. containing the same coded information) - these multiple tables are necessary for internal use when writing queries. The codes are largely taken from the MOE database, though several additional geologic type/descriptions have been added. These are related through GEOL_MAT1_CODE in D_GEOLOGY_LAYER (this also includes each of GEOL_MAT2_CODE, GEOL_MAT3_CODE and GEOL_MAT4_CODE). Note that the ROCK field designates (if true) whether the unit can be considered bedrock.


This table is used to track the standard geotechnical moisture codes for each sample/layer encountered in a borehole (e.g. wet, moist, damp, dry). Data is generally only provided for the geotechnical boreholes in the database (e.g. City of Toronto, UGAIS, or other consultant boreholes; refer to Appendix D). This is related through GEOL_MOISTURE_CODE in D_GEOLOGY_LAYER.


This table is used to provide additional detail regarding the organic materials within geologic layers. Data is generally only available for the geotechnical boreholes in the database (e.g. City of Toronto, UGAIS, or other consultant boreholes; refer to Appendix D). This is related through GEOL_ORGANIC_CODE in D_GEOLOGY_LAYER.


This table allows different geological interpretations to be stored for the same geologic layer. This is related through GEOL_SUBCLASS_CODE in D_GEOLOGY_LAYER. In D_GEOLOGY_LAYER, a blank (i.e. NULL) GEOL_SUBCLASS_CODE generally indicates that the geologic coding is the ‘original’; a value of ‘5’ indicates that geologic coding has been checked against the original source and found to be valid OR has been corrected. The other common code used is ‘7’ (i.e. ‘Invalid’), used to remove layers from consideration.


The table is used to track the standard geotechnical texture codes for each sample/layer encountered in a borehole (e.g. amorphous, fibrous, coarse, etc?). Data is generally only provided for the geotechnical boreholes in the database (e.g. City of Toronto, UGAIS, or other consultant boreholes; refer to Appendix D). This is related through GEOL_TEXTURE_CODE in D_GEOLOGY_LAYER.


This table contains the various geologic units as encountered, generally, in the ORMGP Study Area. These unit descriptions have been derived from various sources (mainly from the OGS and the GSC). Formations that are not formally recognized and that are used informally in the ORMGP are pre-pended with a ‘YPDT’ description. This is related through GEOL_UNIT_CODE in D_GEOLOGY_LAYER and D_INTERVAL_FORM_ASSIGN. The AQUIFER field, usually only for the ORMGP layers, is used to indicate (when populated by a non-null value, generally a ‘1’) that the unit is considered an aquifer. This is used as part of the logic when determining the ‘Assigned Unit’ in D_INTERVAL_FORM_ASSIGN.


This table contains user-specified group codes allowing the grouping of intervals (by INT_ID) by a common category or attribute. This is related through GROUP_INT_CODE in D_GROUP_INTERVAL.


This table provides the capability to categorize the different groups of intervals created (i.e. in R_GROUP_CODE). The table is used by SiteFX when importing logger data (for barometric correction). This is related through GROUP_INT_TYPE_CODE in R_GROUP_INT_CODE.


This table contains user-specified group codes allowing the grouping of locations (by LOC_ID) by a common category or attribute. This is related through GROUP_LOC_CODE in D_GROUP_LOCATION.


This table provides the capability to categorize the different groups of locations created. This is related through GROUP_LOC_TYPE_CODE in R_GROUP_LOC_CODE.


The table holds the various interval types (found under INT_TYPE_DESCRIPTION) within the database. Note that the interval types largely pertain to the wells/boreholes in the database. For both the stream and climate station locations the INT_TYPE has not been broken down into specific equipment components (e.g. temperature recorder, rain gauge recorder, etc?). This is related through INT_TYPE_CODE in D_INTERVAL. The INT_TYPE_ALT_CODE field is used here to ‘group’ similar interval types. Currently, all ‘screen’ interval types are tagged with the text ‘Screen’ in this field.

Note that the field SYS_INT_DETAIL_CODE should include a value of [2] to allow the SiteFX software to include records from D_INTERVAL_MONITOR and D_INTERVAL_REF_ELEV when examining the interval/location.


The table provides a means to specify to what group an ‘aliased’ name applies. Currently the table is being used to track the supplementary MOE database identifiers as found in D_LOCATION_ALIAS: Tag Number; Audit Number; WELL ID; and the Borehole ID Field. This is related through LOC_ALIAS_TYPE_CODE in D_LOCATION_ALIAS.


This table is implemented as part of the tracking mechanism for changes in location coordinates. This is related through LOC_COORD_HIST_CODE in D_LOCATION_SPATIAL_HIST. Any ‘new’ coordinates should be stored with an explanation for the change - as described in LOC_COORD_HIST_DESCRIPTION and LOC_COORD_HIST_DESCRIPTION_LONG (or COORD_HIST_COMMENT in the referenced table).


This table allows the specification of the projection (and datum) of the original coordinates for locations as found in D_LOCATION (this is now disparaged and is not included in D_LOCATION_SPATIAL_HIST; the use of an EPSG code is instead recommended). Used by SiteFX when converting to system units (i.e. UTM Zone 17, NAD 83). This is related through LOC_COORD_OUOM_CODE in D_LOCATION.


Adapted from the MOE database and allows linking to a (province of) Ontario county (as found in LOC_COUNTY_DESCRIPTION) for a particular location (note that this is currently used only for those wells from the MOE database given that county boundaries have changed over time and that GIS systems can better be used to track the particular county in which a location is found). This is related through LOC_COUNTY_CODE in D_LOCATION.


The table has been incorporated from the MOE database and slightly adapted. In general the table is not extensively used. The MOE used the table to coarsely identify whether a particular well record was submitted from a driller (most commonly) versus any other source (e.g. Consultant, MOE or MNR Staff, Industry, etc?). This is related through LOC_DATA_SOURCE_CODE in D_LOCATION.


This table is implemented as part of the tracking mechanism for changes in elevation for a location. This is related through LOC_ELEV_CODE in D_LOCATION_SPATIAL_HIST. Any ‘new’ elevations should be stored with an explanation for the change - as described in LOC_ELEV_DESCRIPTION and LOC_ELEV_DESCRIPTION_LONG (or ELEV_HIST_COMMENT in the referenced table). LOC_ELEV_SURVEY and LOC_ELEV_DEM, when the values are non-null, indicate that the particular code can be considered to be ‘surveyed’ or a ‘digital elevation model’ (respectively).


Adapted from the MOE database and holds the original MOE primary use descriptions (as found in LOC_USE_PRIMARY_DESCRIPTION). This is related through LOC_USE_PRIMARY_CODE in D_LOCATION (using the field LOC_MOE_USE_1ST_CODE in the latter table).


Adapted from the MOE database and holds the original MOE secondary use descriptions (as found in LOC_USE_SECONDARY_DESCRIPTION). This is related through LOC_USE_SECONDARY_CODE in D_LOCATION (using the field LOC_MOE_USE_2ND_CODE in the latter table).


This table allows specification of a location’s current status. The codes are somewhat related to the MOE’s status codes but additional categories have been incorporated to clarify the location’s status (e.g. categories such as destroyed, decommissioned, etc? have been added). This is related through LOC_STATUS_CODE in D_LOCATION.


Adapted from the MOE database and allows linking to a (province of) Ontario township (as found in LOC_TOWNSHIP_DESCRIPTION) for a particular location (note that this is generally used only for those wells from the MOE database given that the township boundaries have changed over time and that GIS systems can better be used to track the particular county in which a location is found). This is related through LOC_TOWNSHIP_CODE in D_LOCATION.


This table allows specification of a location type and is related through LOC_TYPE_CODE in D_LOCATION. Note that not all of the location types listed in this table can be found in the database but they allow for incorporation of additional, varying location types into the future.


These tables originated from the MOE database and were designed to record the watershed (at different scales) in which a location is found. The tables list all of the primary watersheds that drain from the Oak Ridges Moraine. Using GIS, two of the three fields (LOC_WATERSHED1_CODE and LOC_WATERSHED2_CODE) in the D_LOCATION table were populated several years ago. However, the fields are not frequently used and are not regularly updated.



This table was originally populated by grouping and counting the number of wells that were listed by a particular ‘owner’ in the MOE database. All owners that had more than 5 to 10 locations associated with them were added as an OWN_TYPE_DESCRIPTION (with associated code) to this table. With the removal of the owner information from the MOE database, this table and its related D_OWNER table are no longer updated. This is related through OWN_TYPE_CODE in D_OWNER.


Currently empty. This table is part of the structure for a future release of SiteFX (version 6; some support in version 5) and is to be used to control access (by partner agencies) to locations within their areal extent. This is part of the replacement for the original D_LOCATION_AGENCY table. This relates to R_PROJECT_TIER1_CODE using PRJ_AG_CODE.


Currently empty. This table is part of the structure for a future release of SiteFX (version 6; some support in version 5) and is to be used to control access (by partner agencies) to locations within their areal extent. This is part of the replacement for the original D_LOCATION_AGENCY table and relates to D_PROJECT_LOCATION using PRJ_TIER1_CODE.


Currently empty. This table is part of the structure for a future release of SiteFX (version 6; some support in version 5) and is to be used to control access (by partner agencies) to locations within their areal extent. This is part of the replacement for the original D_LOCATION_AGENCY table and relates to R_PROJECT_TIER1_CODE using PRJ_TIER1_CODE.


Currently empty. This table is part of the structure for a future release of SiteFX (version 6; some support in version 5) and is to be used to control access (by partner agencies) to locations within their areal extent. This is part of the replacement for the original D_LOCATION_AGENCY table and relates to R_PROJECT_TIER1_CODE using PRJ_TYPE_CODE.


This table was originally populated from the sources found in the MOE ‘Permit to Take Water’ database. These include a list of structures from which are being used as a water source (e.g. Well, Reservoir, Quarry, etc?). This relates to D_PTTW through PTTW_SOURCEID_CODE.


This table is based upon the type of structure or description in the original MOE ‘Permit to Take Water’ database; a PTTW location source is classified as one or both of ‘Groundwater’ or ‘Surfacewater’. This relates to D_PTTW through PTTW_WATER_SOURCE_CODE.


Original information was incorporated from the MOE WWDB database but has been supplemented with additional categories allowing specification of a pumptest method (e.g. Air, Bailor, Pump, etc…; as found in PUMPTEST_METHOD_DESCRIPTION). This is related through PUMPTEST_METHOD_CODE in D_PUMPTEST.


This table allows specification of a pumptest type (e.g. Constant Rate, Variable Rate, etc…; as found in PUMPTEST_TYPE_DESCRIPTION). This is related through PUMPTEST_TYPE_CODE in D_PUMPTEST.


This table allows specification of a primary purpose to a particular location and is populated through a combination of uses found within any of



This table allows specification of a secondary purpose to a particular location. See R_PURPOSE_PRIMARY_CODE (above) for population details. This is related through PURPOSE_SECONDARY_CODE in D_LOCATION_PURPOSE.


This table is adapted from the MOE water well database table and allows specification of the inherent horizontal error (found in QA_COORD_CONFIDENCE_DESCRIPTION) for any particular location. Note that in general, users (and most views) should only rely upon information with a QA_COORD_CONFIDENCE_CODE of less than ‘6’ (i.e. ‘5’ - ‘Margin of Error: 100 m

This is related through QA_COORD_CONFIDENCE_CODE in D_LOCATION_QA.


This table is adapted from the MOE water well database table and allows specification of the inherent vertical error (found in QA_ELEV_CONFIDENCE_DESCRIPTION) for any particular location. Note that a code of ‘1’ (‘1 ft - Surveyed in field from known Bench Mark’) is used to indicate that a location has been ‘surveyed’ for elevation. In general the elevation coding is no longer used as the elevations now are no longer assigned by the MOE and are, instead, populated from a MNR DEM. Within the database the codes are now only used to differentiate ‘surveyed’ locations (‘1’; these will never have their elevation over-written by a DEM elevation) versus ‘non-surveyed’ locations (‘10’; these elevation values would be over-written by a DEM value). This is related through QA_ELEV_CONFIDENCE_CODE in D_LOCATION_QA.

Refer to Section 2.4.2 for additional details regarding location elevation assignment.


The table contains standardized names used in the D_INTERVAL_TEMPORAL_* tables (and related through the RD_NAME_CODE field). A single name has been chosen to represent a parameter out of all possible names available (e.g. ‘Na’ instead of ‘Sodium’). The table R_READING_NAME_ALIAS (described below) is used to associate the various possible names with the single name, stored here.

The field READING_GROUP_CODE indicates the primary group to which the particular parameter is associated. Further groupings can be made through the use of R_RD_NAME_GROUPS.


Here, particular RD_NAME_CODEs can be linked to multiple groups as found in R_READING_GROUP_CODE. Note that the default grouping is specified in R_RD_NAME_CODE.


Allows additional information to be included for any particular reading in the D_INTERVAL_TEMPORAL_* tables (using the RD_TYPE_CODE field). For example a water level reading with a code of ‘628’ (‘Water Level - Manual - Static’) can be further tagged with a RD_TYPE_CODE of ‘0’ (‘WL - MOE Well Record - Static’) indicating that the static reading came from the MOE water well database. Data loggers of varying make can also be identified using the RD_TYPE_CODE (e.g. code ‘59’ is used to identify ‘Troll - Logger’). Additional codes refer to specific data loggers by type and serial number; this can be applied against any type of recording or measuring equipment. Climate data recording notes (e.g. ‘Climate - estimated, with snow cover’) and surface water notes also have specific RD_TYPE_CODE’s. This lookup table is currently underused in the database.


This table associates related RD_NAME_CODE’s (as found in R_RD_NAME_CODE) allowing them to be grouped as necessary. For example, a READING_GROUP_CODE of ‘23’ is used to indicate all RD_NAME_CODE’s that are associated with water level measurements. The default group is specified through READING_GROUP_CODE in the R_RD_NAME_CODE table. Additional groupings, as required, can be specified in R_RD_NAME_GROUPS.


As chemistry data (in particular) can come from many different laboratories (each using a differing but equivalent name for any particular parameter) a single parameter can be known by multiple names. A single name, only, should be used within the ‘primary’ database table (i.e. R_RD_NAME_CODE) to reduce the chances for excluding (temporal) data from a query or search. Alternate parameter names have been stored within this table linked to the ‘chosen-representative’ name (found in R_RD_NAME_CODE) that is to be used for the particular parameter in the database. This table is referenced by SiteFX when converting from the OUOM specified parameter.


Allows any reading in the D_INTERVAL_TEMPORAL_1B and _2 tables to be tagged with additional information, currently pertaining to a QA check (e.g. ‘1’ indicates an ‘unreviewed data record’, ‘2’ a ‘reviewed - record is valid’). This table and the associated fields are not extensively used and should be re-evaluated or updated in the next database release. This is related through REC_STATUS_CODE (found in both of these tables) in D_INTERVAL_TEMPORAL_1B and D_INTERVAL_TEMPORAL_2.


This table allows samples in D_INTERVAL_TEMPORAL_1A to be flagged with designations such as ‘Duplicate’, ‘Field Blank’, etc… This is related through SAM_TYPE_CODE in the D_INTERVAL_TEMPORAL 1A table.


The table is not currently used in the database but is required by SiteFX. It appears to act as an alias table for the SAM_TYPE_CODE table. This is related through SAM_TYPE_CODE in the D_INTERVAL_TEMPORAL_1A table.

This table is used and populated by SiteFX.


This table is used and populated by SiteFX.


This table is used and populated by SiteFX.


This table is used and populated by SiteFX.


This table allows specification of all allowed ‘system’ unit codes within the database. The values, here, are paired with R_UNIT_CONV to allow SiteFX (or other software) to convert values to specified system units. Note that if the OUOM units are not found within this table when importing data, SiteFX can add them (to both R_UNIT_CODE and R_UNIT_CONV) rather than returning a ‘not found’ message (though it will write the results of an import to an external log, if desired). This capability is user (and system-wide) selectable. This is related through UNIT_CODE in D_INTERVAL_TEMPORAL_1B and D_INTERVAL_TEMPORAL_2. A new column, UNIT_DEFAULT, allows linking of equivalent units for error checking purposes (as used by the various V_SYS_CHK_PARAM_UNITS_* views).


This table allows specification of the conversion of various unit codes to specified system units. Paired with R_UNIT_CODE (described above) and, also, related to R_CONV_CLASS_CODE (also described above) through CONV_CLASS_CODE. The CONV_UNIT_OUOM unit is specified (in text) along with the related output UNIT_CODE (as found in R_RD_NAME_CODE) and with a (possible) multiplier in CONV_UNIT_OUOM_MULTIPLIER (as necessary; this defaults to a ‘1’ - i.e. no change). This allows for parameters to be defaulted to one set of ‘system’ units for all parameters imported into the database. Where CONV_CLASS_CODE has a

For example readings imported (i.e. reported/recorded) as ‘mg/kg’ would be converted to ‘ug/g’ for soil samples (a CONV_CLASS_CODE of ‘2’) and to ‘mg/L’ for water samples (a code of ‘1’).

With regard to conversion of depths to elevations, SiteFX does not use the above table. Instead, any of the following units (as found in D_INTERVAL_TEMPORAL_2) are automatically converted (to ‘masl’) if a ‘reference’ elevation (as found in D_INTERVAL_REF_ELEV) is specified for the interval.


This is adapted from the MOE water well database and is related through WATER_CLARITY_CODE in D_PUMPTEST.

Last Modified: 2023-03-14