Appendix G.32
G.32 Automated Scripts (Listing and Calling Times)
- Tables
- Recurrence Time: Weekly
A variety of automated updates are performed against the database on a weekly basis (beginning on Saturday and ending on Sunday; note that the start times, listed subsequently, are relative to midnight Saturday.) These can be broken into the following general groups:
- Update D_INTERVAL_FORM_ASSIGN (and related)
- Update D_LOCATION_SUMMARY (location by area)
- Miscellaneous updates
- Update all W_GENERAL_* tables
- Database backup (and restore)
- Miscellaneous daily updates
G.32.1 Update D_INTERVAL_FORM_ASSIGN (and related)
- Main Script: d_int_form_ass.bat
- Starting Time: -05:30
The following scripts are called (listed in order of processing)
- Removal of those INT_IDs not present in CM2004 (rem_from_difa_cm2004.bat)
- Add INT_IDs present in CM2004 (add_to_difa_cm2004.bat)
- Create a temporay table containing CM2004 information (tmp_cm2004_int.bat)
- Update D_INTERVAL_FORM_ASSIGN for the CM2004 model and remove the temporary table (upd_diffa_cm2004.bat)
This is repeated for each geologic model being evaluated (currently WB2018 and YT32011). This will have a similar naming structure as listed above.
The ASSIGNED_UNIT is then populated for each geologic model (upd_difa_au.bat).
The thicknesses for each aquifer unit for each geologic model is then determined for each interval/location using the following scripts
- Get the CM2004 ORAC thickness (tmp_gl_cm2004_orac.bat)
- Update the THICKNESS_M field for the applicable records (upd_difa_cm2004_orac.bat)
- Get the CM2004 Thorncliffe thickness (tmp_gl_cm2004_thorn.bat)
- Update the THICKNESS_M field for the applicable records (upd_difa_cm2004_thorn.bat)
- Get the CM2004 Scarborough thickness (tmp_gl_cm2004_scar.bat)
- Update the THICKNESS_M field for the applicable records (upd_difa_cm2004_scar.bat)
- Get the CM2004 Channel Sand thickness (tmp_gl_cm2004_chansa.bat)
- Update the THICKNESS_M field for the applicable records (upd_difa_cm2004_chansa.bat)
This is repeated for each geologic model and their associated aquifers (WB2018: ORAC, Thorncliffe and Scarborough; YT32011: ORAC, Thorncliffe, Scarborough and Channel Sands). These will have a similar naming scheme to the above.
The values of specific capacity (SC_LPMM), transmissivity (T) and hydraulic conductivity (K) can then be calculated (upd_difa_calc_tk.bat). The associated fields will be updated.
The D_INTERVAL_FORM_ASSIGN_FINAL table can be updated, including
- Removal of INT_IDs (for those not found in D_INTERVAL_FORM_ASSIGN and will NULL values for OVERRIDE_UNIT and MANUAL_UNIT; rem_from_difa_f.bat)
- Add missing INT_IDs (i.e. present in D_INTERVAL_FORM_ASSIGN and absent from D_INTERVAL_FORMA_ASSIGN_FINAL; add_to_difa_f.bat)
- Update the ASSIGNED_UNIT field (upd_au_difa_f.bat)
G.32.2 Update D_LOCATION_SUMMARY (location by area)
- Main Script: d_loc_summary_area.bat
- Starting Time: 02:30
Each partner conservation area and region is examined and the associated records have their CA_AREA_ID, REG_AREA_ID and SWP_AREA_ID fields updated in D_LOCATION_SUMMARY. In addition, the field ORMGP_AREA is updated to mark those locations currently found within the ORMGP study area (with buffer) and having ‘valid’ coordinates (refer to V_SYS_FILTER_LOC_COORDS and V_SYS_FILER_LOC_COORDS_DOCS for details). This is determined using the following scripts:
- Regions (agency_reg_area_d_loc_sum.bat)
- SWP Areas (agency_swp_area_d_loc_sum.bat)
- Conservation Areas (agency_ca_area_d_loc_sum.bat)
- ORMGP Area (ormgp_area_d_loc_sum.bat)
Note that the starting time was adjusted from 00:00 (to 02:30) on 2023-10-16.
- Main Script: d_int_sum.bat
- Starting Time: 01:00
Records and fields found in D_INTERVAL_SUMMARY (DIS) are now updated (in order of processing)
- Add missing INT_IDs (add_to_d_int_sum.bat)
- Remove INT_IDs not found in D_INTERVAL (rem_from_d_int_sum.bat)
- Update water levels (update_d_int_sum_wl.bat)
- Update manual water levels (update_d_int_sum_wl_man.bat)
- Update logger water levels (update_d_int_sum_wl_log.bat)
- Update average water levels (update_d_int_sum_wl_avg.bat)
- Update water quality (update_d_int_sum_wa.bat)
- Update water quality samples (update_d_int_sum_wq_samp.bat)
- Update precipitation (update_d_int_sum_precip.bat)
- Update pumping readings (update_d_int_sum_pump.bat)
- Update pumping daily volumnes (update_d_int_sum_pump_daily_vol.bat)
- Update streamflow readings (update_d_int_sum_sflow.bat)
- Update specific capacity (update_d_int_sum_spec_cap.bat)
- Update air temperature readings (update_d_int_sum_temp_air.bat)
Note that the starting time was adjusted from 02:00 (to 01:00) on 2023-10-16.
- Main Script: d_loc.sum.bat
- Starting Time: 01:30
Records and fields found in D_LOCATION_SUMMARY (DLS) are now updated (in order of processing)
- Add missing LOC_IDs (add_to_d_loc_sum.bat)
- Remove LOC_IDs not found in D_LOCATION (rem_from_d_loc_sum.bat)
- Update deepest screen top elevation (update_d_loc_sum_deep_scr_top.bat)
- Update number of geologic layers (update_d_loc_sum_geol_lay_num.bat)
- Update number of monitors/screens present (update_d_loc_sum_mon_num.bat)
- Update total number of water levels (update_d_loc_sum_wl_total.bat)
- Update total number of water quality readings (update_d_loc_sum_wa_total.bat)
- Update total number of water quality samples (update_d_loc_sum_wq_total_samp.bat)
- Update total number of precipitation readings (update_d_loc_sum_precip_total.bat)
- Update total number of pump readings (update_d_loc_sum_pump_total.bat)
- Update total number of streamflow readings (update_d_loc_sum_sflow_total.bat)
- Update minimum, maximum and average streamflow readings (update_d_loc_sum_sflow_avgminmax.bat)
- Update soil readings (update_d_loc_sum_soil.bat)
- Update air temperature (update_d_loc_sum_temp_air.bat)
Note that the starting time was adjusted from 02:30 (to 01:30) on 2023-10-16.
- Main Script: d_loc_geom.bat
- Starting Time: -01:00
Records and fields found in D_LOCATION_GEOM (DLG) are now updated (in order of processing)
- Remove LOC_IDs missing from D_LOCATION (rem_from_d_loc_geom.bat)
- Check current coordinates (in D_LOCATION) against the current calculated
- geometry (tag them as necessary; coord_check_d_loc_geom.bat)
- Add any new LOC_IDs (add_to_d_loc_geom.bat)
- Update any blank GEOM fields (upd_d_loc_geom.bat)
- Update any blank GEOM_WKB fields (update_d_loc_geom_wkb.bat)
Note that an update of the D_LOCATION_GEOM table has been shifted (from 03:00) to run before many of the other update scripts.
G.32.6 Miscellaneous updates
- Main Script: various.bat
- Starting Time: 03:30
A variety of checks and updates are performed here (in a number of tables, in order of processing)
- Update locations in D_BOREHOLE that no longer have a bedrock formation (rem_bed_elev.bat)
- Update locations in D_BOREHOLE that have a bedrock formation (upd_bed_elev.bat)
- Add new LOC_IDs (including coordinates and elevations) to D_LOCATION_SPATIAL_HIST (add_to_d_loc_spat_hist.bat)
- Update D_LOCATION_SPAT adding newly assigned coordinates and elevations (add_to_d_loc_spat.bat)
- Update the LOC_ACTIVE field for PTTW locations (upd_pttw_active.bat)
- Update the LOC_STATUS_CODE for climate stations (upd_climate_active.bat)
- Update the LOC_STATUS_CODE for spotflow locations (upd_sw_spotflow_active.bat)
- Update the LOC_STATUS_CODE for streamflow gauges (upd_sw_gauge_active.bat)
- Update MON_TOP_DEPTH_M and MON_BOT_DEPTH_M in D_INTERVAL_MONITOR (upd_dim_depths.bat)
- Update the reference elevations and stick-ups in D_INTERVAL_REF_ELEV based upon a change in REF_POINT (upd_dire_stick_up.bat)
- Update the LOC_STATUS_CODE for decommissioned wells (upd_decomm_status.bat)
- Populate the latitude/longitude fields (if null) for active coordinates (UTMZ17 and UTMZ18)
G.32.7 Update all W_GENERAL_* tables
- Main Script: w_gen_all.bat
- Starting Time: 04:00
The contents of all the W_GENERAL_* tables are removed and the tables re-populated:
- Delete all rows in W_GENERAL (WG; rem_from_w_gen.bat)
- Add all rows to WG (add_to_w_gen.bat)
- Delete all rows in W_GENERAL_DOCUMENT (WGC; rem_from_w_gen_doc.bat)
- Add all rows to WGC (add_to_w_gen_doc.bat)
- Delete all rows in W_GENERAL_OTHER (WGO; rem_from_w_gen_other.bat)
- Add all rows to WGO (add_to_w_gen_other.bat)
- Modify STATUS of PTTW locations in WGO (update_w_gen_other_pttw_active.bat)
- Delete all rows in W_GENERAL_SCREEN (WGS; rem_from_w_gen_scr.bat)
- Add all rows to WGS (add_to_w_gen_scr.bat)
- Delete all rows in W_GENERAL_GW_LEVEL (WGGL; rem_from_w_gen_gw_level.bat)
- Add daily logger water levels to WGGL (add_to_w_gen_gw_level_log.bat)
- Add all manual water levels to WGGL (add_to_w_gen_gw_level_man.bat)
- Delete all rows in W_GENERAL_LOC_MET (WGLM; rem_from_w_gen_loc_met.bat)
- Add all rows to WGLM (add_to_w_gen_loc_met.bat)
- Delete all rows in W_GENERAL_LOC_SW (WGLS; rem_from_w_gen_loc_sw.bat)
- Add all rows to WGLS (add_to_w_gen_loc_sw.bat)
- Add URLs for non-MOE borehole PDFs (in W_GENERAL and W_GENERAL_SCREEN; upd_w_gen_nonmoe_bh_pdf.bat)
- Update those locations that can be used for Piper plots (using the field WQ_CB_PIPER; upd_wq_cb_piper.bat)
- Update SPEC_CAP_LPMM in W_GENERAL_SCREEN (upd_spec_cap_lpmm.bat)
- Update T, K SC calculations in DIFA (upd_tksc.bat)
- Delete all rows from W_GEOLOGY_LAYER (WGL; rem_from_w_geol_lay.bat)
- Add all rows to WGL (add_to_w_geol_lay.bat)
- Create a temporary table containing shallow water levels (wls_create_tmp.bat)
- Update SHALLOW_WL_MASL and SHALLOW_WL_DEPTH_M in W_GENERAL; drop the temporary table (wls_update.bat)
- Delete all rows from W_GENERAL_PICK (WGPK; rem_from_w_gen_pick.bat); add all rows to WGPK (add_to_w_gen_pick.bat)
- Update Water Level Logger statistics (wl_log_stats.bat)
- Add FWIS comments to WGO (upd_gen_oth_fwis_com.bat)
- Categorize Hydraulic Conductivity values in WGS (upd_w_gen_scr_k_cat.bat)
- Add Watershed names to locations in WGO (upd_w_gen_oth_wshd_name.bat)
- Update the Baro Logger interval status in WGO (upd_w_gen_oth_barolog_active.bat)
- Update Lab Group counts in WGS (upd_w_gen_scr_lab.bat)
- Update geologic feature indicator in WG (upd_w_gen_geol_feat.bat)
- Update PTTW Taking stats in WGO (upd_gen_oth_pttw_takings.bat)
- Update the drought test indicator in WG (upd_w_gen_drought.bat)
- Main Script: d_var_stat.bat
- Starting Time: 5:00
Records are added to the D_VERSION_STATUS table capturing the status of the database (note that this is only run on the 27th day of the month rather than weekly). This includes:
- Adding location type counts (add_loc_type_counts.bat)
- Adding interval type counts (add_int_type_counts.bat)
- Adding reading group type counts (add_group_type_counts.bat)
G.32.9 Database backup (and restore)
- Main Script: see below
- Starting Time: 12:00
Each of the following are processed (in turn) to backup the master database and make available the OAK_20160831_WEEKLY database. This includes
- Update the OAK_20160831_WEEKLY database from the backup of OAK_20160831_MASTER (db_restore.bat) [12:00]
- Move the OAK_20160831_MASTER backup file to the B: drive on SQLSERVER2k16 (i.e. the temporary backup location; db_backup.bat) [14:00]
- Modify the permissions of various users to allow full access to OAK_20160831_WEEKLY (db_restore_permissions.bat) [14:55]
- Split the backup of the master database to allow easy transfer off-site (db_backup_split.bat) [15:30; now disabled]
- Move the backup file of the master database to B:\backup (i.e. the final backup location; db_backup_final.bat)
G.32.10 Miscellaneous daily updates
- Main script: various_daily.bat
- Starting time (daily): 22:00 (10:00pm)
Each of the following is processed, in turn:
- Update those records in D_INTERVAL_TEMPORAL_2 that have ‘cmap’ or ‘map’ as their original RD_UNIT_OUOM value; converts these to ‘mbref’
G.32.11 Update D_GEOLOGY_LAYER
- Main Script: d_geol_lay.bat
- Starting Time: -02:30
This is similar to the procedure outlined in G.32.1. In this case, though, it applies to the D_GEOLOGY_LAYER table. The fields GEOL_ASSIGNED_UNIT, GEOL_TLAYER and GEOL_BLAYER are populated (or updated) based upon a single geologic model (in this case, WB2021). These are generally to be used as a reference, only.
G.32.12 Windows Task Schedular
Under Task Schedular, the following is the name of each of the called automated scripts in order of processing.
Daily automated scripts
- Update Various_Daily (22:00 daily) - G.32.10
Weekly automated scripts
- (-30:00) Update_D_INTERVAL_FORM_ASSIGN - G.32.1
- (-18:00) Update D_GEOLOGY_LAYER - G.32.11
- (-10:00) Update D_LOCATION_GEOM - G.32.5
- (-03:00) Update D_INTERVAL_SUMMARY - G.32.3
- (-01:00) Update D_LOCATION_SUMMARY - G.32.4
- ( 00:00) Update D_LOCATION_SUMMARY AREA - G.32.2
- ( 05:00) Update Various - G.32.6
- ( 06:00) Update All W_GENERAL Tables - G.32.7
- ( 12:00) Update OAK_20160831_WEEKLY from BAK - G.32.9
- ( 14:00) Backup_OAK_20160831_MASTER_to_J - G.32.9
- ( 14:55) Change_OAK_20160831_WEEKLY_Permissions - G.32.9
- ( 30:00) Backup_OAK_20160831_to_backup - G.32.9
Monthly automated scripts
- Update D_VERSION_STATUS (05:00, 27th day-of-the-month) - G.32.8
Last Modified: 2024-09-23