Provincial Digital Elevation Model (PDEM)

ISO-19139 Metadata

Metadata Information:

Metadata language:
Metadata character set: utf8

Last update: 2018-10-15
Update frequency: asNeeded

Metadata contact - custodian:
Organization's name: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry - Provincial Mapping Unit

Contact information:

Scope of the data described by the metadata: dataset

Name of the metadata standard used: NAP - Metadata
Version of the metadata standard: 1.2

Metadata identifier: 882a9059ec7c4881abbdb6afa0ae73e6

Resource Identification Information:

Title: Provincial Digital Elevation Model (PDEM)
Alternate titles: PDEM,

Reference date - creation: 2013-10-09
Reference date - publication: 2019-12-09

Party responsible for the resource - publisher:
Organization's name: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

Themes or categories of the resource: elevation

Theme keywords:
Keywords: DEM, Digital Elevation Model, Elevation

Title: external

 The Provincial Digital Elevation Model (PDEM) is a general purpose dataset designed to represent true ground elevation where possible and is based on best-available data across the province. This dataset has not been conditioned for any specific application. Please see the User Guide below for more information.

Zoom in on the map and click your area of interest to determine which package(s) you require for download.

Now also available through a web service which exposes the data for visualization and geoprocessing.

The service is best accessed through the ArcGIS REST API, either directly or by setting up an ArcGIS server connection using the REST endpoint URL. The service draws using the Web Mercator projection.

For more information on what functionality is available and how to work with the service, read the Ontario Web Raster Services User Guide. If you have questions about how to use the service, email Land Information Ontario (LIO) at

Service Endpoints (Government of Ontario Internal Users)

Additional Documentation 

Provincial Digital Elevation Model - User Guide (Word)Provincial Digital Elevation Model - Methods and Processes (Word)Updating Provincial Elevation Data Using Least Cost Path Analysis (Word)

Provincial Digital Elevation Model - Boundary in shape file format (Shapefile)

OBM Photo Block Index (Zip file)

	PDEM Spatial Metadata Index (Elevation Source) - March 9th, 2022 (Zip file)

Product PackagesProvincial Digital Elevation Model - North (CGVD28)Provincial Digital Elevation Model - South (CGVD28)Provincial Digital Elevation Model - North (CGVD2013)Provincial Digital Elevation Model - South (CGVD2013)


On going: Data is continually being updated

Maintenance and Update Frequency

As needed: Data is updated as deemed necessary

RSS FeedFollow our feed to get the latest announcements and developments concerning our PDEM product. Visit our feed at the bottom of our ArcGIS Online PDEM page.


Provincial Mapping Unit, Mapping and Resources Information Branch,

 Represents true ground elevation across the province.

Graphic overview:
File name:
File type: png
File description: thumbnail

Graphic overview:
File name:
File type: png
File description: thumbnail

Graphic overview:
File name:
File type: png
File description: thumbnail

Graphic overview:
File name:
File type: png
File description: large_thumbnail

Graphic overview:
File name:
File type: png
File description: large_thumbnail

Graphic overview:
File name:
File type: png
File description: large_thumbnail

Dataset language: eng
Dataset character set: utf8

Status: onGoing
Resource constraints:
Limitations of use: Open Government Licence – Ontario

Resource constraints:
Legal constraints:
Spatial representation type: grid

Geographic extent:
Bounding rectangle:
West longitude: -108.5012
East longitude: -43.5939
North latitude: 60.8279
South latitude: 37.7257


Point of contact - custodian:
Organization's name: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry - Provincial Mapping Unit

Contact information:
Delivery point:
 300 Water St, 2nd Floor
City: Peterborough
Administrative area: Ontario
Postal code: K9J 8M5

Point of contact - pointOfContact:
Organization's name: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry - Provincial Mapping Unit

Contact information:

Spatial Representation - Grid:

Axis dimensions properties:

Reference System Information - System 1:

Reference system identifier:
Value: NAD83 / Ontario MNR Lambert (EPSG:3161)

Code space: EPSG
Version: 7.4

Reference System Information - System 2:

Reference system identifier:
Value: CGVD28 height (EPSG:5713)

Code space: EPSG
Version: 7.4

Distribution Information:

Transfer options:
Online resource:
Name of resource: PDEM North
Online location:
Connection protocol:
Function performed: download

Online resource:
Name of resource: PDEM South
Online location:
Connection protocol:
Function performed: download