Near Real-time Climate Data Service
NetCDF data extraction using Python
Python is a free and open source programming language that is fully capable of working with the Near Real-time Climate Data Service exported hard-copy files. Below, we’re offering a sample python script used to extract the data, calculate total precipitation, compute annual averages and post them to the 4,238 delineated sub-watersheds.
Data download
The data files required are first the sub-watershed where the climate data have been mapped:
indexed sub-watershed polygons:
and the NetCDF files that hold the data, either:
the daily climatologies:
the 6-hourly climatologies:
Python script
For the script, we’ll be working with the 6-hourly data that are provided from 2002 to 2023. First, we need to load the requires packages:
import numpy as np
import shapefile as shp
import netCDF4 as nc
from functools import reduce
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
Load data
Next, we’ll load the sub-watershed shapefile:
sws = shp.Reader("PDEM-South-D2013-OWRC23-60-HC-sws10.shp")
Followed by the NetCDF file:
with nc.Dataset("") as ds:
ds.set_auto_mask(False) #
# time stamps
tim = ds.variables['time'][:]
# station IDs (need to convert the input character array to integer array)
station_id = ds.variables['station_id'][:,:]
station_id = np.int64(reduce(np.char.add, station_id.T))
# Climate variables:
pa = ds.variables['air_pressure'][:,:]
ta = ds.variables['air_temperature'][:,:]
rh = ds.variables['relative_humidity'][:,:]
ws = ds.variables['wind_speed'][:,:]
rf = ds.variables['rainfall_amount'][:,:]
sf = ds.variables['snowfall_amount'][:,:]
sm = ds.variables['surface_snow_melt_amount'][:,:]
pe = ds.variables['water_potential_evaporation_amount'][:,:]
Compute averages
Next, calculate mean precipitation (i.e., rainfall + snowfall) at every sub-watershed, covert to mm/yr:
vmean = np.mean(rf+sf, axis=0)*365.24*4
Plot data
First, we convert the arrays to a dictionary with station_id as the lookup key, and normalized precipitation to the $[0,1]$ range:
vn, vx = np.min(vmean), np.max(vmean)
col = dict(zip(station_id, (vmean-vn)/(vx-vn)))
Lastly, using the ‘Blues’ colourmap, post the average precipitation values to every sub watershed and plot to a map
cmap = cm.Blues
for shape in sws.shapeRecords():
for i in range(len(
cid = shape.record[0]
v = col[cid]
i0 =[i]
if i==len(
i1 = len(shape.shape.points)
i1 =[i+1]
x = [i[0] for i in shape.shape.points[i0:i1]]
y = [i[1] for i in shape.shape.points[i0:i1]]
plt.fill(x, y, color=cmap(v))
plt.title("Annual average precipitation 2002-2023 (mm/yr)")
The resulting output: