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Data Products and Interpolation

Oak Ridges Moraine Groundwater Program

Open Data Sources

Below is a concise list of data used in supporting the ORMGP and its wide range on data services. This page details open data accessed for external source only and does not include data produced by the ORMGP.

Spatial Data

Timeseries Data

On a nightly basis, scheduled tasks are used to automatically download and insert new data into the ORMGP database, a process called “web scraping”. So, in addition to hydrogeologic information, the database maintains a near-realtime hydrometeorological dataset at the 6-hourly and daily time scales.

Groundwater monitoring

Groundwater monitoring data, like those collected by the ORMGP, are kept in their time-scale, typically in the order of 10 min to hours, and inserted into the database.

Climate data and streamflow

For the most part, information scraped below do not enter the database as they are sub-daily resolution. Rather, the higher-resolution data, including the gridded data, are maintained running Delft-FEWS.

The ORMGP database maintains daily hydrometeorological data covering the 30,000km² ORMGP management area, going back over a century. Data collected are “near” realtime in that they are what is reported when the scheduled task was run (the night prior). The web tools and data services we maintain and numerical models we archive depend on this dataset.

Current data sources

Below is a summary list of the hydrometeorological data sources used in deriving many our data services. These sources are all free and open, but come in a variety of formats. For more details, please visit the detailed source reference page.