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Web-mapping Services

Oak Ridges Moraine Groundwater Program

Map Themes

Data Sources and References for the ORMGP Website

The ORMGP Geocortex Mapping hub has been divided into various Theme Maps to allow users to quickly hone in on the information they might be seeking. For example, the Documents Theme Map provides access to the program’s library of reports, The Boreholes Theme Map focuses on providing access to borehole specific information, and the Geology Theme Map provides access to all of the ORMGP geologically related mapping. The Theme Maps group specific related data sets or interpreted products, such as:

The Layer Catalogue/User Customization

Within any theme, users can incorporate items from any other theme map (e.g. bedrock boreholes can be shown on the Geology Theme map alongside the Bedrock Topography map); this is accomplished through the Geocortex “Layer Catalogue”.

Basemap Layers present on all Themes

There are some data sets or products that appear on more then one theme map. All themes consist of our regional basemap:

General Note:

In the following pages, where appropriate/known the date listed in brackets after the legend item indicates when the item was last worked on or updated. Where no date is reported assume that the legend item is day to day continually being worked upon and improved. Unless otherwise stated the legend items have been compiled or prepared by ORMGP staff. Basemap layers or data sources from external agencies (e.g. Province, Federal, partners) are linked to the website where ORMGP obtained the information.

Location Map

This map is designed to show the various Location Types that are found in the ORMGP database.

Boreholes Map

This map is designed to help users find wells that meet certain requirements.


This map simply shows only MECP wells. Within the various legend items the MECP wells have been filtered to reflect the jurisdictional geography of the various agencies partnered in the ORMGP.

Groundwater Quality Map

This map is designed to show well locations where water quality information has been acquired in the past.

Groundwater Levels Map

The map is designed to present all wells where longer term water level monitoring has been undertaken in the past or is currently taking place.

Documents Map

This map is designed to allow users to access that many documents that are in the ORMGP library.

Stream Profiles Map

This map is designed to provide cross sections directly tied to the stream segment network so that users can see, for example, places where aquifers are interpreted to intersect the stream bottom (active GW discharge). Note that ORMGP is working to enable this feature in the dynamic cross section tool for all streams in the ORMGP study area.

Numerical Models Map

The map is designed to show the boundaries of all of the numerical models held in the ORMGP Numerical Model Custodianship Program. Through partner agencies, the ORMGP has acquired over 80 numerical models from various consultants. The model have been run to completion to ensure that all relevant files are present, and the Models are available through the program with the signing of a model sharing agreement.

Geology Map

This map is designed to provide access to all of the geologically related mapping that is available in the ORMGP study area.

each lake can be turned on/off individually.

Water Table Map

This map is designed to provide interpolations of the water levels or hydraulic head across the study area, at various depths in the subsurface.

Water Budget Map

(version 0.1)

This map is designed to provide preliminary projections of Groundwater recharge, Runoff, Evapotranspiration and Precipitation from a recharge–runoff model that was run in 2018. The model is a distributed model with a grid cell resolution of 250x250 m. The model has 330,000 active cells, covering 20,000 km² of the ORMGP study area. The model runs a 6-hr time step, (consistent with the 6-hr distributed precipitation input) and provides monthly water budget estimates. The model was run from 2002 to 2018.

Inputs to the model:

Land Use Map

This map is designed to present some of the significant land use designations that can affect land use change proposals across the lands in the ORMGP.

Surface Water Map

The map is designed to provide access to all of the Surface Water related information held in the ORMGP.

Hydraulic Properties Map

Map is designed to present estimated hydrogeological properties across the study area, currently Specific Capacity (SC), Hydraulic Conductivity (K) and Transmissivity (T).

General Note: When you turn on a layer you may notice that locations do not display. Currently you need to zoom in to see location points. This is due to a software limitation in dealing with many locations and data which we hope to have solved in the future.