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General Information

Oak Ridges Moraine Groundwater Program


The ORMGP has built upon the geological interpretation of the Oak Ridges Moraine sediments undertaken during the 1990s by the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC). Beginning in 2001 several key phases of successive geological interpretation have led to the development of interpreted digital geological layers across different parts of the study area. The focus has been on the unconsolidated glacial sediments that, in places, can extend up to some 200 m in thickness. Across most of the study area the geological layers were developed using visual interpretation of well records on three dimensional dynamic cross-sections. Each successive phase of geological interpretation has contributed to the current geological interpretation and understanding of the Quaternary sediments in the program study area. The significant phases of work are described below:

For the ORMGP constructed surfaces, the geological interpretations included:

In addition to the above, the geological interpretation is continually evolving. With the addition of new wells (both from the MECP as well as other consultant BHs) to the database, geological interpretations can subtly change as new wells are reviewed and additional geological picks are incorporated into the database and used in re-interpretations.

Further information is available below